Thursday, January 10, 2013

This time, to pringles~!!

Nice to meet you again!
This time, I want to talk to you about something.

Today I want to talk to about an ode!
Many people might not know what an ode is so I want to first introduce you what an ode is.
 An ode is an a lyric poem, typically addressed to a particular subject. 

This week, I had to write my very own ode. I wrote it to pringles~!!!!!                                    

Dear tasty pringles,

Roses are red violets are blue and pringles are bright?!

A big brown moustache with a pretty little red ribbon. A silly looking man is looking at me all the time. His bright red ribbon is calling for me to buy them. His fascinating long moustache is calling me to just choose only one.

Red cans, green cans, black cans, brown cans, yellow cans!
So bright and so lovely that I can't look away. I decided to buy just one, only one!
When we choose, we don't know the time passing. We can only think of pringle, pringles and pringles~!!
Walking home from the supermarket.
Having a peek of what I bought.
There we see bright and lovely pringles~!
Looking at me to try them, just only once.

While walking home, I decided to eat only one piece.
Again, I decided to eat only one piece. Again and again, I just ate 1 piece. By the time I arrived at my house, I was surprised. I was very very surprised. There was only 1piece left!! So I was thinking, thinking, and I was thinking again.

Finally, I made a decision. A very very big decision. I decided to go back to the supermarket. I decided to buy another can. This time, not just only one can of pringles, but THREE~!!!

                                                       From one fan
                                                                    Suyeon Ryoo

I hope you had a good time reading my ode!
Thank you for visiting again and see you next time!


  1. Hi Suyoen,
    This is a very goos ode. I am hungry now after reading it. You did a good job describing Pringles and it is also funny. Keep up the good work!

  2. Hi!
    It seems that you really love Pringles! You described Pringles very well and also made good use of pictures. Good work~

    -Yongwook, Oh (Writing TA)

  3. I love Pringles too!!
    It is my 4th favorite cookie.
    It's delicious!
